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Which is Better? Regular Floss or a Floss Pick?

added on: July 15, 2015

July2FlossWe talk a lot of about the importance of flossing, and it’s well worth it. Most gum disease develops between teeth, which makes flossing a crucial part of your hygiene routine. At my dental office in Bakersfield, we’d like to talk about the two most common forms of flossing: floss picks and regular dental floss.

Floss Picks

Floss picks are those individual pieces of plastic that have a small piece of floss in between two posts. They’re sometimes preferred over traditional floss for a variety of reasons, but are they as effective? Let’s look at some pros and cons.


  • Easier to Use. Floss picks may make it easier to floss, especially if you have difficulty using your hands or fingers. Reaching into the back of the mouth may also be easier with a floss pick.
  • Not So Easy. On the other hand, some people find floss picks more difficult to use. If your teeth are tighter together, floss picks may not be the ideal choice and can actually be harder to use.
  • Effective. There is evidence that suggests floss picks are effective at removing food particles and dangerous plaque between teeth. But are they as effective as traditional floss?


  • As Effective? Some research shows that floss picks are just as effective as traditional floss. Other studies suggest floss picks are less effective due to their shape. Since floss picks are pretty stable, some believe this limits their ability to properly clean below the gum line and around each tooth.
  • Need More Than One Most of the time, to get the best clean from a floss pick, you’ll need more than one pick as opposed regular floss where you only need one piece. This may require a larger investment.

Regular Floss

Regular floss has been used for quite some time to remove dangerous bacteria from between teeth. While it’s been proven to clean effectively and help lower risk for gum disease, there are some people who can’t seem to get comfortable with this traditional form of flossing. If this is the case, using a floss pick is completely acceptable. If you’re ok with regular floss, keep on flossing!

Flossing goes a long way toward keeping your gums healthy and gum disease away, but it’s only part of having a healthy mouth. Regular appointments at my Bakersfield dental office are also key to keeping your smile healthy, so make sure to visit us at least twice a year.

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